Apakah Flirting dengan Orang Lain Termasuk Selingkuh?

Apakah Flirting dengan Orang Lain Termasuk Selingkuh?
Ilustrasi flirting. Credit: Freepik

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Downstreaming or seduction is usually found in a social relationship. Downstreaming usually done to show someone's interest in others with the aim of melting the atmosphere or building a relationship to become more familiar. But you need to be vigilant because of habits flirting with other people it can damage your relationship with your partner.


What's that Downstreaming?

Downstreaming or wooing/tempting is a form of interaction that is natural in human relations. In general, flirting or tempting is a form of communication that involves verbal and body language to show the desire to have a deeper relationship with someone.

Both men and women can tease each other. Sometimes teasing is just playing games and looking for pleasure, but it can also be done to build trust. Generally, this tempting act is done to measure the feelings of others whether there is an opportunity to improve relationships to be more intimate or intimate.

Also read: Can Someone Be Addicted To Cheating? Check Out The Facts


Forms Of Action Downstreaming

Understanding the shapes flirting can help you identify whether someone is showing interest in you. In addition, recognize behavior flirting it can also help you respond appropriately to your behavior. 

The form of seduction or temptation in the relationship of the opposite sex can vary, depending on the context of its behavior. Some forms flirting which is often done include:

  • An intimate touch of hand (holding, embracing)
  • Paying excessive attention to jokes
  • Often smile or laugh
  • Intensive eye contact
  • Often praises
  • Interested in more intimate conversations
  • Trying to find ways to spend time together
  • Treat you in a different way
  • Show a different expression

The behavior above is often misinterpreted as a friend gesture or just being friendly to other people so that sometimes it leaks. If someone does more than one action above and is carried out repeatedly, then it is likely that he is indeed teasing. 

Also read: Getting To Know "Micro Cheating", A Form Of Infidelity That Often Occurs Without Realizing


Is it Downstreaming Including Cheating?

Downstreaming or tempting aims to show someone interest. If done to people who don't have a partner, this can increase your intimacy with that person. But if done to people who already have a partner, flirting can destroy relationships with their partner. 

To determine whether flirting Including cheating or not, there are actually no special rules. Every relationship has its own rules and limits to determine whether the familiarity gesture is excessive or not. What you or your partner think may be different from the size of other people. 

For some people, teasing can be considered as cheating when one partner is too friendly to others, especially if this violates the rules that have been agreed upon before. For others, tempting is considered to cross the line of being cheating when the risk of turning into a physical or emotional affair.

In addition, the intention that arises when carrying out these actions also determines whether someone is only doing good or does intend to seduce him. Although seduction may start as something harmless, it could become something much bigger and more damaging.

Some examples of seduction can develop into infidelity, among others:

  • Constantly doing physical touch such as touching hands, placing hands on the back of the bottom, or embracing
  • You start keeping these actions a secret or cover up your partner's actions
  • Your partner is no longer a priority
  • Looking for justification of the actions you take

If you think your partner is teasing other people, you should start talking about this with your partner. Listen to the explanation calmly without blaming so you can draw conclusions with a clear head. Explain to your partner that you object to the teasing behavior he does.

Next, set healthy boundaries that can be agreed upon together with your partner on what things you can do, when you can, when to cross the line, and so on. If your partner continues to tease others after the agreement, talk back with your partner to evaluate the relationship you are in. 


Some friendly attitudes can be misinterpreted as a temptation or seduction that leads to infidelity. If you need help regarding your relationship and your partner, you can consult a psychologist. You can also take advantage of the consultation features available in the Ai Care application. 


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024 | 05:07